The Wagner Family
Kenneth, Sherry & Jase

Kenneth Wagner - Lead Pastor

Kenneth Wagner is the Lead Pastor of UNITED Church. Pastor Kenneth attended Southern Wesleyan University in South Carolina, where his passion and calling for ministry came to life. Throughout his college career, when he wasn't playing on his college baseball team, he was leading a Campus Ministry with a few of his closest friends. It was in college that he met his wife, Sherry. Together, they moved to Delaware, where Pastor Kenneth spent seven years as a Students Pastor in Harrington, Delaware. Then, in July of 2013, Pastor Kenneth felt a clear call to plant UNITED Church.

Partnering with the Association of Related Churches (ARC), UNITED Church was born on September 20th, 2015. On Launch day, we saw 515 people in attendance! Since that day, UNITED Church has grown to have two locations in the State of Delaware and has reached thousands with the life-giving message of the gospel.

Pastor Kenneth, Sherry and their son, Jase, now live in Dover, Delaware where UNITED Church began. He leads UNITED Church with integrity and authenticity every day. God has given Pastor Kenneth a vision and passion to Love Delaware until their heart beats like His, and we believe this is just the beginning!

In addition to leading UNITED Church, being a husband to Sherry and a father to Jase, you can find Pastor Kenneth working out at his local CrossFit gym, enjoying intentional time with his family, and keeping his love for sports alive as he cheers on his favorite sports teams: the Duke Blue Devils, Carolina Panthers, and the Chicago Cubs. You can also often find him enjoying an Iced Americano from Legacy Coffee Co. as he dreams and plans the future of UNITED.

Executive Leadership Team


Mark Tennefoss

Executive Pastor

Alyssa Picone

Executive Director


Senior Leadership Team


David Vargas

Milford Campus Pastor


Chris Voshell

Operations Director

Sabrina Fansler

Senior Director



Parker Sard

Dover Campus Pastor

Lucas Stearns

Students Pastor

Suly Del Valle

Broadcast Director


Kestrel McCliment

Love Delaware Director


Brianne Parsons

Communications Director

Katina Scott

Spiritual Development Director


Yariza Vargas

Milford UNITED Kids Director

Davey Blackburn

Teaching Pastor

Raven Armiger

Dover Hospitality Director

Cody Lammy

Logistics Director

Logan McMillon

Creative Director

Adam Popper

Digital Director

Amanda Stearns

Worship Director

Amanda Welch

Team Support

Nick Wake

Associate Pastor

Estefany Bonilla

Technical Director

Rachel LeBloch

UNITED Kids Director

Dayne Melvin

Worship Leader

Brittany Sard

Dover UNITED Kids Director

Colin Stubbs

Music Director

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Amanda Vanskiver

Emily Greene