Thank You For Giving!

Giving generously creates an opportunity for people to experience life change through a relationship with Jesus. Your obedience is making this possible in your community and all over the world.

As someone who's financially supported UNITED Church, we thought you would enjoy this video! These stories show the impact your generosity has on the people around you. Thank you for giving and Loving Delaware!

3 Ways to Give


Simple. Safe. Secure. Whether a single gift or automated recurring tithes, our online platform gives you the freedom and convenience of giving from your checking account, debit, or credit card.

Text to Give

Text your amount to the number 84321, click the link, search UNITED Church and give!

In Person

Giving boxes are located at the auditorium entrance for you to give by cash or check on Sunday mornings during our experiences.



What does it mean to tithe?

The word tithe means tenth. The Bible asks us to bring our first and our best back to God, and He will bless the rest.  To tithe is to bring the first tenth of your income to the Lord for use in the church.  In 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV) it says, "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 

When we tithe, we do three things:

  1. We obediently put God first.

  2. We produce trust.

  3. We establish God’s covering.

Is giving online secure?

Absolutely! Our online giving provider, Planning Center, is a certified PCI Level 1 compliant merchant with the Payment Card Industry. Planning Center also utilizes Stripe as a payment processor, one of the largest and most advanced processors globally.

What is the difference between giving, tithing, and offerings?

Giving is donating to your church home to support their operations. Tithing is returning 10% of your income to the Lord by giving to your local church. Offerings are giving above and beyond your tithe that is meant as a sacrifice, for the glory of God, and to shape the legacy of future generations.

Do I have to text a code every time I sign in?

For your security, a six-digit code will be sent to your phone to confirm your identity when attempting to sign in with a mobile phone number.

Who do I contact if I need further help with my account or any other questions related to giving at UNITED Church?

Please contact us with any questions or help at